Our Services

Matching of qualifications

Highest data security

Offers without application

Our Services

Matching of qualifications

Highest data security

Offers without application

What is MATCHOO?

Our quality of life depends crucially on whether our job makes us happy. However, many job seekers shy away from the effort that a job search can cause. For potential employers, too, the search for suitable employees involves considerable effort and expense.

Searching is a thing of the past with Matchoo!

The new way to bring potential employers and employees together through digital matching is called Matchoo!

Neither age nor gender or origin play a role, but only the matched qualification. If there is a match, the job seeker is offered the corresponding vacancy. He decides whether his complete profile may be displayed to a potential employer. In the best case, the potential employer contacts the job seeker after entering his profile.

For employers, this is an efficient form of employee recruitment, since only qualifications that are actually sought are actually offered.

For job seekers, it is a chance not to have to search themselves, but to be found and receive corresponding offers without having to apply in the classical way.

Matchoo focuses on internationalization rather than regionalization when it comes to finding skilled workers. That is why Matchoo is an international platform that enables multilingual, across all occupational groups, reliable and uncomplicated communication and association between potential employees and employers.

Matchoo is a win/win concept!

Advantage for job seekers

With the Matchoo profile, job seekers have the possibilities to develop their own resume quickly and reliably through easy usability during profile creation. The professionally created resume can be requested as a file for their own use.

Job seekers decide for themselves which data may be passed on, when and to whom. Time and effort are saved because no elaborate company-specific application documents have to be created. Matchoo matching only offers relevant job vacancies that actually match the specified qualifications. Even concealed job postings are made available.

The profile of personal data is first displayed anonymously to the job provider. Gender, age, photo or origin do not play a role for Matchoo Matching, but qualifications do.

For the job seeker, no new application is necessary because the profile, if desired, remains and participates permanently in the screening.

With a positive Matchoo Matching there is the possibility to get in contact with companies, which one did not know before.

Matchoo has the highest standards of data security and privacy protection.

The creation, maintenance and storage of the profile is also unlimited in time and free of charge for the candidates.

Find your
perfect match!

Advantages for employers

The Matchoo job profile makes the recruiting process efficient and cost-saving. The costs are significantly lower than the costs for ad formats in newspapers or on job portals. Matchoo guarantees reduce the investment risk. The simple selection of profile points in a click process reduces the effort required for job profiling enormously.

Matchoo matching ensures short response times between employee search and offer. All candidate profiles appear in the same standard format, clearly presented with all competencies and qualifications. This concentrates the selection process on a factual level, facilitating factual personnel decisions.

The potential employer can search covertly, as his search profile is not openly displayed. In the matching case with suitable candidate profiles, the employer discloses his identity. The search is possible throughout Europe, as Matchoo breaks down language barriers by means of a multilingual system.

Durch das MATCHOO-Matching werden unqualifizierte Massenbewerbungen verhindert und der eigene Zeitaufwand für die Bearbeitung deutlich verringert.Matchoo matching prevents unqualified mass applications and significantly reduces employers' own processing time.

Employers gain access to qualified candidates who are willing to change jobs and who have little time for an active job search.

At Matchoo we offer a transparent and clear cost structure with a high standard of data security.

With Matchoo you get close support throughout the entire recruiting process until the complete candidate profile is sent. The candidate pool is continuously kept up-to-date by a QA process.